Wombanhood Doula Care


The earth says hello


For thousands of years, women have birthed being cared for by other women. Holding space, offering comfort strategies, guiding contractions- a doula is a traditional role that helps you birth how you birth.

However you birth- Wombanhood Doula Care is here for you


We believe in the power within you. We offer you space and guidance to channel it and empower your birth experience the way you birth. .

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We believe in respect. For your person, your experiences, and your choices, your birth doula provides no judgement- only support- for who you are and what you need.

Our Commitments »


We believe in advocacy. With our experience, we bring knowledge and support throughout your entire birthing experience as your advocate for choice. Outside of directly working with birthing people, we are involved in social and community birth justice as a pillar of our commitment to the sanctity of birth.

Read Our Statement»


Our Practice

We work with our clients in their preferred place of birth and plan for expectations in all settings.

Your goals are our goals- we follow wherever you, your body, and your baby take your team.


You cannot use someone else’s fire. You can only use your own. and in order to do that, you must first be willing to believe that you have it.

Audre Lorde


A Service Dedicated to Honoring You

We have been working with NYC clients and serve the NYC area as a part of your birth team as specified by your place of birth